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Basic Information

Info Crest.png Kingewitch, The Juggernaut is a melee brute that loves to hack and slash through his enemies. He is one of the currently 8 Pagan Online Heroes

Berserker | Melee | Strength


Story Crest.png After the bittersweet honor of becoming king was bestowed upon him after his father’s death, Kingewitch chose to don a warrior’s helm instead of the crown to take a more active role in guarding his kingdom. With an ominous gloom seeping further and further into the lands he swore to protect, Kingewitch needs as much might as he can get to save his people.


KingewitchCrest.png Kingewitch uses his fury to empower his Abilities. A master of the battlefield, his skills allow him to crush or slice large groups of enemies with his great axe. A well-balanced character suitable for most players.


See Ability Tree

Level Up Bonuses

Each time he levels up Kingewitch gain :

Strength Dexterity Intelligence Fortitude
Start 105 60 45 90
At each level + 28 + 16 + 12 + 24
Level 30 917 524 393 786
Level 50 1477 844 633 1266


Warrior King Warchief Clawbane
BlackSkin.png BlackSkin.png BlackSkin.png
Standard skin 60 File:ShardMini.png Shards 100 File:ShardMini.png Shards

Superheavy Demonskin
BlackSkin.png BlackSkin.png
150 File:ShardMini.png Shards 150 File:ShardMini.png Shards