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In Patrol Missions, the player goes from point to point killing monsters until fighting an Elite monster at the end. The player may change gear during this mission.

Note: While most missions fall into a certain range they can spawn at, particular missions are set levels as depicted.

Mission Name Mission Area Mission Level* Might Boss
Great is our Glory Adria ?? Wildbeast Goro the Demon Steed
Primoridial Instincts Adria 41-45 11K Wildboard Vepar
Sacrilege and Scorn Deliblat ?? Flame Avatar Darkhon of the Pyre
Soulsmith Reforged Deliblat 41 13K The Late King
Furun Reforged
Terror Comes From Within Igman 31-35 8.5K The Great Mauler
The Ghost of Usud Past Kalador 44 13k The Late King
Usud the Awakened
The Herald of Doom Igman 6-10 900 Prince Vengel
The Herald of Igman Igman 6-10 1.4K Prince Vengel
The Last Laugh Deliblat 42 13K The Late King
Veles the Trickster
Whispers in the Dark Adria 31-35 8.5K Pamett Paingiver
The Bloody Truth Igman 1-5 900 Jaroslav the Murderous
The Hand of the Beast Kalador 11-15 2.8K None
A Draconic Deal Igman 16-20 3.5K Boran Long-Hands
Sometimes There is no Winner Deliblat 21-25 5.2K Ellysa the Broodmother
Beward the Bog Adria 26-30 6.2K Shtekk Eagleye
A Shadow in the Snow Igman 1-5 900 Strog the Avalancher