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Each heroes has 4 Abilities that can be upgraded thanks to the Abilities page.

It can be easily accessed by the top selection tool :

Top Selection Abilities.png



1.png The Ability Tree

2.png The Description of each Ability

3.png The Slots

4.png The Modifiers

5.png The Bonuses

Ability Tree

Each Hero have an Editing Abilities where they can use their Potency Points.


The Abilities can be sorted in slots and casted with the different keys :

  • MMB (Mouse scroll wheel click)
  • E
  • F

In order to use a slot just unlock the Ability and drag it to the slot.

Abilities Key Slots.png

You can change the slots at any time.


Respec allow you for 1 000 Gold to reset all your abilities which are locked once you confirm them.


Reset is avaiable only when you still haven't invested your Potency Points. Which mean you haven't press Confirm

Ability Tree List